Docker Commands
Docker is an open source project that was released by dotCloud in 2013. Docker is build on features of Linux Container (LXC) technology, and just like any container technology it has its own file system, storage, CPU, RAM memory, etc. But hey, what is a container? From the very basicContinue Reading
Imagine an interview question about MAVEN …
… or about how would you proceed to create a maven plugin. What if you would be in a position to talk 5 minute about all you know about maven? What would you say? I would say that maven is a tool to manage your software builds, and in mavenContinue Reading
Explain the Spring Bean Scopes
One possible question for a Java Interview could be: what can you tell me about the spring bean scopes? In Spring Framework we have 5 (five) bean scopes: SINGLETON which means that only one instance of a bean is allowed per container (in other words, per application); PROTOTYPE which meansContinue Reading
Tell me about Spring RestTemplate
Spring RestTemplate is like a bridge between client application and server applications. It is used to call REST services and deal with outages. RestTemplate has an builtin HTTP client and it is able to send HTTP request to the endpoints.Continue Reading
Some words on scaling databases
Nowadays, there are two different kinds of databases: relational databases (aka, Oracle, Microsoft MS, IBM DB 2) document oriented databases (some lectures call them NO-SQL databases) (aka, Mongo DB, FileNet) Let’s go to the subject, Scaling a relational database There are three operations involved in scaling a relational database: sharding.Continue Reading
How to create a self-signed certificate on MAC OS
In computer security, a self-signed certificate is an identity certificate which is signed by the same entity whose identity it certifies. Of course, a certificate like this doesn’t have a lot of security value, but it is a convenient way to test things without without spending money. Creating a self-signedContinue Reading
What is the deal with microservices?
Microservices is a type of architecture with a single goal: to avoid complexity. Most of the books define microservices as an alternative architecture for building applications, while they offer a great way to to decouple components within an application boundary. In microservice paradigm, each component is a full but miniature applicationContinue Reading
Basic Concepts in Angular
Angular is a client side framework. It is a front-end JavaScript framework used to build single page applications. In Angular everything is a component (the basic block of an Angular application), which represents one area of a functionality. Generally, a component is composed of three files: an HTML template whichContinue Reading
Java 8 – What is new
Java 8 was released on March 2014 and it is about functional-style programming. It proposes a set of new features: lambda expressions method references the stream api and collectors a new tollbox an functional interfaces available in java.util.function default methods in interface parameterization Lambdas Lambda is a technique to passcodeContinue Reading
The most two favorite questions – DI and IoC
In this post, I want to share a quick answer to the most two favorite question of the interviewers: what can you tell me about the dependency injection (DI) concept introduce by spring years ago? what is inversion of control (IoC)? It is not my goal to share an elaborateContinue Reading