Interview Question: Tell me all you know about RESTful web services. You may start by saying that RESTful Web Services are an implementation of the REST Architecture based on web services. REST stands from Representational State Transfer and (emphasize!!) it is an architectural style, not a protocol. REST follows aContinue Reading

An HTTP method is a verb that is used on a resource. There are four main HTTP methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE which should be used in certain situations. For example: GET is used to download cacheable data from the server. It doesn’t have a request body. It can haveContinue Reading

During a technical interview one of the phrases that put the candidates in difficulties is “tell me all you know about [something]”. This is the first post in the series tell me all you know about, and I will write about EARs files. EAR stands from enterprise application archive andContinue Reading