… or about how would you proceed to create a maven plugin.

What if you would be in a position to talk 5 minute about all you know about maven? What would you say?

I would say that maven is a tool to manage your software builds, and in maven all work goes through plugin and goals. Afterwards I would continue to define the plugin (is a collection of goals) and goal (performs the action in maven builds) terms. Plugins and goals can be called independently, or as part of a lifecycle phase (is a sequence of name phase). Forward I will point that executing a phase, executes all previously phases.

Maven manages all dependencies you need within a pom.xml file. This file is also used to version your software.

Maven has 3 (three) default lifecycles:

  • clean;
  • default (has 23 phases);
  • site.

Default lifecycle – phases

Maven has various phases comprises in the default lifecycle. The most important of them are:

  • compile – this phase will compile the source code of the project.
  • test-compile – will compile the test source code presented into the test destination directory.
  • test – run the tests.
  • package – takes the compiled code and packages it into a distributed format such a jar or a war.
  • install – install the package into the local repository for use as a dependency in other projects locally.
  • deploy

Plugin and goals

If it would to do a terminology analogy with java programming language, I would say that goals are similar with methods, and plugins are similar with classes.

Mavem commands

To run maven commands, you need maven to your classpath,

Other maven commands:

Create a maven custom plugin

To create a custom maven plugin, you use the archetype plugin and call the create goal.

Advantages of using maven

  • simple project setup with guidelines for best practices
  • consistent usage across all projects
  • dependency management within a centra repository of JARs
  • extensible plugins which can be written in Java or scripting languages
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