How to be an awesome programmer

At the very beginning of this site I wrote about skills of a great developer. A few days ago I found this youtube video called “7 tips how to be an awesome programmer”, and I want to share it with you.

Before jump into the video, allow me to make a short resume and enumerate the 7 tips about how to be an awesome programmer (not necessary in the same order they are presented in the video):

  1. First of all, be curious;
  2. Second, start with the basics (aka, learn the basics related to the subject of your curiosity);
  3. Teach yourself how to find the right tools to get the job done;
  4. Build at least something usable, something that could be used by you or someone you know (at least);
  5. Have a few resources (online or books) where you can refer constantly while learning;
  6. Remember only the most important stuff, keep the rest in books, phone apps, online sites whatever you prefer;
  7. And the most important one, ENJOY WHAT YOU DO!!


Happy Codding !!!

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