ns_error_failure virtualbox mac book pro
I got this error when a friend asked to check if virtual box works on macbook pro. Therefore I installed virtual box and try to open the virtual machine from his external drive (not enough space on my machine to copy the VM on). We were surprised when saw thatContinue Reading
Understanding essential git commands
git init, status, add, commit -m, push (fork, pull, branch, merge), branch, revert, log, log –pretty, merge, diff Using git init The git init command sets up all the components which GIT needs to begin tracking changes to the project (ie. it will initialize your working directory). With git statusContinue Reading
A Walk to Access IBM Cloud as a Developer
This post is about how to get registered with IBM Cloud. It will provide a bit of walk to the interface, and how to get an existing code and deploy it to IBM Cloud. If you don’t have an IBM Cloud account go to this URL and register a freeContinue Reading
I started with mongo db
MongoDB is an open source, document oriented database created in 2009 and classified as NoSQL database. Although MongoDB is written in C++, drivers and client libraries are typically written in their respective languages. In MongoDB, a record is a document, and documents are stored in a JSON like format. Precisely,Continue Reading
Gradle – Basic Introduction
Gradle – an object-oriented build tool.Alternatives to GRADLE: ANT, MAVEN. Gradle is an object-oriented build automation tool (compile, package and deploy your application). It provides sensible defaults by using convention-over-configuration. Gradle is an open source project and it is licensed under the Apache License. With Gradle you can automate theContinue Reading
Gradle – “deprecated” tutorials
When I start with a new technology, usually I am starting with the latest version. So is the case of Gradle, I started with version 5.6.3 I started with various tutorials and books. Almost all of them promotes the following hello world example: and when you will type gradle helloWorldContinue Reading
REST and RESTful Web Services
Interview Question: Tell me all you know about RESTful web services. You may start by saying that RESTful Web Services are an implementation of the REST Architecture based on web services. REST stands from Representational State Transfer and (emphasize!!) it is an architectural style, not a protocol. REST follows aContinue Reading
Spring Boot Framework
Spring Boot is probably the fastest way to get a Spring application up and running within less than 5 minutes and a very few little lines of code. I like to think at Spring Boot as a framework that takes most of the work out when it comes to configuring Spring-basedContinue Reading
A first look at Cloudant on IBM Cloud
IBM Cloudant is a distributed NoSQL database build on couchDB. It is a NoSQL JSON document data store, delivered as a managed database service (DBaaS). Types of documents that Cloudant supports: data document (json and xml) design document. Are intended to hold the definition for all secondary and search indexesContinue Reading
HTTP Methods
An HTTP method is a verb that is used on a resource. There are four main HTTP methods: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE which should be used in certain situations. For example: GET is used to download cacheable data from the server. It doesn’t have a request body. It can haveContinue Reading